Casting Powder

What is casting powder?

Casting powder provides easy and fast solidification of metal by providing high reheat removal from metal. Casting powder forms a good lubricating film on the surface of mould not allowing solidifying metal adhesion to the mould. Casting powder increases the quality of a metal surface.

We are a prominent manufacturer of quality Casting Powder made from Graphite carbon. Casting powder is widely used for casting of steel as well as various casting formats like blooms, billets and slabs. Casting powder that we offer is free from any sort of impurities. It is also used as a lubricating agent in order to prevent sticking of mould surface with metal.

Casting powder provides easy and fast solidification of metal by providing high reheat removal from metal. Casting powder forms a good lubricating film on the surface of mould not allowing solidifying metal adhesion to the mould. Casting powder increases the quality of a metal surface. Casting Powder gives the very good performance at elevated temperatures with the aid of its well-selected additives. Casting Powder is cheaper than Rapeseed/Casting oil.

Advantages of Casting Powder

1. Uniform composition resulting in stable process behavior.
2. Environmental friendly due to low dust generation.
3. Better flowability properties makes them suited for use in automatic powder feeding device which leads to superior control of mould pool depth and more uniform homogenous slag infiltration into the mould.

The development and application of mould powder for high-speed continuous casting of steel. For thin slab casting, the main requirements are proper powder melting, undisturbed slag infiltration, adequate strand lubrication and the control of mould heat transfer. For increased casting speeds i.e. up to 8 m/min, slag infiltration and in particular the control of mould heat transfer via crystallisation of the slag film becomes even more important. It was found that a low powder consumption and hence a thin slag film is no restriction for an undisturbed thin slab casting process. Given a stable casting process and machine condition, the mould powder properties are not as critical as widely assumed.

Casting Powder Uses:

We are leading manufacturer and supplier of Casting Powder made from graphite carbon. Casting Powder is widely used for casting of steels as well as various casting formats like blooms, billets etc.  Consumption (per Tone of Steel) is low compared to other manufacturers due to our appropriate formulation and good quality ingredients. The continuous casting process is a very complex one which involves many variables: casting speed, mould oscillation characteristics, steel grade, mould dimensions and metal flow.

The function of the casting powder in the continuous casting of steel is very complex. The casting powders first act as mould-release agents or as lubricants between the mould and the billet of steel. They also serve to cover the surface of the steel bath on the mould to prevent the surface oxidation of the steel bath due to the entry of atmospheric oxygen and further to reduce the heat loss from the surface of the steel bath. Thus, the flow bahavior of the casting powder is determinant with regard to the properties of the lubricant required, as is the melting behavior of the powder when it has been applied to the surface of the steel bath. The powder must be prevented from melting too rapidly because the unmelted, loose porous structure provides particularly good heat insulation properties. Traditionally Casting powder is used for bloom and slab casting, but now it is also used for billet (Open) casting also as an alternative to mould oil for some plants.




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